
Are You Willing To Try Something New?

If you are in any type of direct sales marketing, please read this entire blog post then watch the video at the bottom of the page.  There is a trap that a lot of people in direct sales marketing industry fall into and you want to avoid it like a plague.  

I am sure you are familiar with the hare and the tortoise story.  Unfortunately some folks have fallen for the idea that slow and steady is what gives you the win.  When it comes to direct sales marketing or any type of network marketing business, nothing could be further from the truth.  Don’t believe me?  Look around your company and see how many folks are stuck.  Still spinning their wheels 5, 10, 15 or more years in the company.  

Now, I’m not one to advocate overnight success.  In fact I do not work with people who have an overnight success mentality.  But falling for the swift and steady 2 years in the business just make no sense.  

While some people get things done fast, it takes 1 to 3 years to build a strong and successful direct sales marketing organization.  This does not mean you wait for 2 years to make money.  While you may not be able to make a six or seven figure income your first 2 years, you actually can make a lot of money as you learn.

Falling for the hare and the tortoise story could literally cripple your business.  You do not have to grind and grind for years to make money from your home-based business. Making money fast is not the same as overnight success and it is not a bad or negative thing.  

Being able to generate good income to pay for your rent/mortgage, maintain your business expenses and maybe save a little bit in your saving accounts can be achieved within your first 6 months in the business.  

Within 1 to 3 years, you should be able to replace your regular J.O.B. income.  Now, that is what I call slow and steady.  Anything over 3 years, means you are in the grinding and grinding “non profit business zone”.  Makes no sense to build a business for 5, 10 or 20 years in the hope that one day you will get a breakthrough.  If you find yourself stuck for a number of years it is usually because of one of the following

a)  You are in the wrong business or the wrong industry

b) You are in a wonderful and great company but you are not utilizing modern days marketing strategies.  

c)  The first two points are in place within your company but you are not hungry enough for success.  So you are not doing whatever it takes to be successful

If you are in the right company with the right products and compensation, and you are hungry for success,then I recommend you consider taking a second look at how you market.  You will almostfirst-step certainly realize that you are lacking in the marketing arena.

You probably are using outdated marketing skills that worked well decades ago.  You might want to consider using 21st Century marketing strategies and allow the Internet to help explode your business.

You do not have enough family and friends to build a six or seven figure income but Google and other search engines do have enough people who can help you get there.  Want to see how it all works? Check out this Webinar Replay where I share in details how I utilize the power of the Internet to build my business.  

This webinar will help you create a new belief system when it comes to marketing.  You will see how effective marketing can produce fast results.  This is absolutely life changing.  Click Below To Watch The Replay:


Liz Kimeria