action-changes-thingsYou probably are frustrated in your business right now but sit back and relax because there is a way out if you are willing to change.  If I were you this is exactly what I would do:

First, I would make it clear to myself and everyone around me that failure is not an option.  I would then take a note book and on one side I would put down all the things that are frustrating me in my business.

On the other side, I would put down what I have done that has produced some positive results in the business.  I would identify who or what is holding me back from creating massive success.  (Are you holding yourself back or is someone else holding you back?) Give up what is holding you back.

I would write down those things that I have consistently done in the last 6 months, 1 year, 2 years or 5 years that have produced no results.  I will then through all that out the window never to use it again.  WHY?

If you have done it over and over for months or years and have produced no success, why would you keep doing it?  Repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results is the definition of insanity.

Be ready to change how you market your business if that is what you need to make a positive shift in your business right now.  Change is good! Are you not tired of being stuck?  Step over the line and embrace the fact that your past has been redeemed.

Believe in yourself and know that you deserve better than you have right now.  Your yesterday should not determine your tomorrow.  It is not where you are today, it is where you chose to finish.  Faith is believing in the victory before there is any evidence to support the belief.

Visualize your vision in your business and know that commitment is a lifelong process and it is the road that will get you there.  Your dedication in improving your marketing skills is your motivation and it will push you forward to excellence.

If you are dedicated to learning new marketing skills instead of repeating what has not worked, then you will sell more, book more, and you will recruit or sponsor more people. In your journey to creating success, know that challenges and obstacles will be there but they are not to stop you.  Instead, they will strengthen you.Do not let your rainy day stop you.  Get up even when you do not feel like doing

Stop right now!! Set a big but realistic business goal if you do not have one you are working on already.  Set a deadline that you must achieve that goal by.  Then step out of your comfort zone and do something different.  Dare yourself to dream big! Avoid dwarf’s goals!

When you step out of your comfort zone and set a huge business goal, know that not everyone will be happy for you.  Some folks just don’t get it!!

Some people will impose unrealistic statements on you but do not listen.  You know those well meaning but annoying family members or friends who think they are protecting you by telling you it cannot be done. Yup!  I got them too!

Do not be surprised if your “fire fighter” turns out to be someone in your business or even a recruiter or upline who simply just don’t get it.  Instead, prove them wrong by achieving your goals.  On your journey to success, be careful not to allow anyone to rain on your parade no matter what their title or position is.

Be willing to step out of the crowd and separate yourself.  Do not be mediocre.  Give yourself permission to create real success not just for you but for other families whose dreams depend on your being obedient to the call.

Do the unthinkable and then some and stay in the company of winners.  Make a decision to finally step up into your greatness!   With a made up mind, you can make great things happen in the next 6 months! It is all in your mind!  It takes a mind shift to achieve greatness in life and in business.

Understand your WHY – Why are you in business?  What is it that you really want to achieve from your business? When and how do you plan to achieve it?  How will it feel to achieve that goal? Focus on your WHY not someone else’s why.

Every beginning of a new week or new month, you must have a dream and a goal you are working on.  If you do not set goals you will find yourself wondering throughout the month.

Once you set your goals and are clear on your plan of action, then stay disciplined.  Focus on your goals daily and do something every day that counts towards your goal.  There will be disappointments some days but just keep doing it.  Failure is not an option!

Keep a positive attitude at all times.  There is no room for negativity if you have to achieve your dreams or your goals.  Manage your attitude and keep yourself in check.Whatever your attitude is on any given day and time, it is whatever you decide for it.  It is either going to be positive or negative.  It is your responsibility to find your positive attitude.

While working towards your goal that you decided above, do not concern yourself about being capable of achieving the results – just do the work!  Track your daily activities not the results. Sometimes we are tracking the results before we even put in the work or the activities required to produce results.

Success follows work not the other way around.  Only in the dictionary you find success before work.  You have to put in some work in order for you to see results.  You cannot harvest where you did not sow.  It is the law of harvest!

Now, go get some work done. Make sure you have a clear road map that will get you to your goals in the next few months.  Remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  Make your first step today!

The biggest obstacle you are going to face is yourself!!  But once you remove yourself out of the way, great things will start happening in your business. Do not procrastinate, do not give excuses!  Excuses are lies only you believe!  Escape your mental prison and create massive success!

I could persuade you to take on my coaching and training program because I am good at what I do but I will not because you could join the program and do nothing.

Instead, I will encourage you to dig deeper and figure out what your business needs are.  Then once you have identified those needs, and you know that the type of business success training I provide is valuable to your business growth, you can then decide if you would like to work with me or not.

If your answer is yes, then I suggest you click here to sign up for my online training and coaching program and take the training serious.  By that I mean ACTION not just signing!  You know the saying “When the student is ready the teacher will show up”.

Either way, whether you join or not, I will be cheering you all the way to the top!  Face your fears and go out and build a team of Super Stars!

There is a saying that “When your passion and purpose are greater than your fears and excuses, you will find a way”.   Say yes to success and know that you cannot break old habits until you create new ones.  Just like you can change the default system of your computer, change your thinking.

Whatever you focus on will always increase.  The people that you are looking for to join your team are at the same time looking for you.  You just haven’t showed up!  From frustrations come blessings!

If you are ready to get some serious proven marketing skills that lead to business success then, click here to join my VIP Inner Circle Mastermind Program.
