Have you ever had a nagging voice that kept telling you that something is just not right?  Sometimes this voice will let you know that you are either not in the right field or you are not utilizing your full potential, resources and abilities.  Success can be achieved much faster when you know that you are doing what you were put here to do and you are doing it the right way.

It does not matter how much money you earn, if you are not in the right field, you will never be fulfilled.  On the other hand, you may be in the right field and you know for sure that is what you have been called to do but success keeps evading you no matter how hard you try.  Watch my take on this in the following video.

Where do you see yourself in this?  Do you need to change jobs, business, the people you are working with, skills or attitude? I definitely know I do not want to take 40 years to complete a two weeks journey because of complaining, fear and unpreparedness. 
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